If you're interested in the Adam Lapid novels, this website is the best place for you to buy them. Not only is buying directly from me on this online store the best way to support me as an author, it is also the only website where you can find discounted book bundles and save big.
At the moment, there are eight Adam Lapid novels (I'm working on book 9), and I've created several book bundles that readers can grab and enjoy.
The first bundle is for books 1-3 in the series and the discount is 15%. The second bundle is for books 4-6 and it is also discounted by 15%. This discount is true for all five formats: e-book, paperback, large print, hardcover, and audiobook.
And then there's the big bundle. It includes books 1-7 in the series. Here the discount is even bigger than the other two bundles. If you get this bundle, with all seven books, you'll enjoy a discount of 20%. And you'll have a good deal of thrilling reading ahead of you. This bundle is also good for all formats.
Here are the links to the bundles:
1. Books 1-3
2. Books 4-6
3. Books 1-7
Bundle up and enjoy!